Divine Empowerment To Finish Well Part 2, By AKO

Beloved, you are welcome in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today on Daily Rod Of Prayers, a spiritual anchor and source of strength for a pleasant and rewarding day, the Lord shall touch you and your scheduled activities, in Jesus name.

This is another beautiful moment in his Presence, on a day that the Lord has made for you and your households to rejoice and be glad therein. As you embrace another engaging and rewarding day, all things shall work together in favor of your homes and businesses, in Jesus name. 

In your quest for spiritual stability, direction and optimum performance today, a word from the Lord shall make the difference in your day, in Jesus name. Your days shall be filled with great testimonies, in Jesus name.

The Bible texts today is 1 Samuel 2:9 

 ★ He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.

As August draws to a close, while it is a time to consolidate efforts, refocus on goals, and push through to the finish line with determination and resilience, the need for divine empowerment cannot be overemphasized. 

Among the takeaways from Part One of the message include the following:

* Alliance with divine empowerment makes a remarkable difference 

* Final stretch is the most challenging 

* It is filled with distractions and fatigue

* It is a moment of intense determination and perseverance 

* It is a phase that requires one to dig deeper

* It is a reminder that the end is near, and with it comes the satisfaction of accomplishment and the closing of a chapter.

* It is a critical moment where success depends on speed and the ability to sustain momentum 

* It tests your resolve and ability to stay Focused 

* It tests your commitment before eventual emergence as true champions

* You cross the finish line with excellence by the strength of the Lord.

As you aspire to become true champions in your activities this August, by crossing the finish line with excellence, divine empowerment is a necessity, because it provides you with spiritual fortification.

Some are very close to excellence and Victory like Moses, who may not cross the winning line. By the Word of the Lord, You and your loved ones shall cross the winning lines with testimonies, in Jesus name.

Remember the following:

* That the mighty do become casualties of battles 

* That the swift emerges as a looser in races. 

* That divine empowerment positions your plans and tasks beyond the adverse effects of time and chance.

Time and chance shall not close the gates of excellence against your efforts, in Jesus name.

It was divine empowerment that gave King Jehoshaphat of Judah the famous victory over Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir, while Daniel and the three Hebrew men rode on that sure Power to prevail over remarkable odds.

Who Needs These Prayers? 

• Those with the desire to finish well at present in everything  

• Those with the desire to prevail over distractions 

• Those with the desire to consolidate on previous achievements 

• Those with the desire to secure their testimonies against evil invasions

• Those with the desire to crush the powers and activities behind ending in futility 

* Those who want their lives, homes and businesses to advertise the glory of God.

Among those who lacked divine empowerment to finish well, like Moses, were Ananias and his wife Sapphire who were unable to finish with excellence. 

Dark conspiracies, against excellence in your households and businesses, shall scatter by fire, in Jesus name.

These prayers shall frustrare deep evil conspiracies against your dominion, in Jesus name. 

By these message and inspired anointed Prayers, your homes and businesses shall finish this month with the Oil of excellence, in Jesus name.

Surely, your homes and businesses shall excel this year, in Jesus name.

To enjoy the maximum benefits from these prayers, take the steps below:

• Become a sincere child of God 

• Accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ 

• Develop a positive appetite for the Word 

• Embrace holiness as a lifestyle 

• Pray without ceasing.

Confession: Daniel 6:3:

  ★ Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.

Prayer Points: 

1. My father, arise and give me, my household and businesses, the oil of excellence, in the name of Jesus. 

2. Birds of darkness, flying against excellence in my life, my household and businesses, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 

3. Altars in my foundation, demanding excellence in my home and businesses as a sacrifice, be roasted, in the name of Jesus. 

4. I laminate myself, my loved ones and businesses, with the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. 

5. This year, my efforts, those of my household and businesses, shall attract excellent profits, in the name of Jesus. 

6. My Salvation and that of my loved ones, shall not be a sacrificial lamb of the wicked, in the name of Jesus.

7. Thank you Lord, for answering my prayers, in Jesus name.


As you have taken this bold step of faith, so shall it be unto you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

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Shout Halleluyah !


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