Prevailing Prayers For Midyear Battles, By AKO


Beloved, you are welcome in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today on Rod Of Prayers for the new week, a spiritual anchor and source of strength for a profitable and rewarding week, expect a divine touch of great victory.

As we collaborate in the leap of faith this new week, the assurance of safety and blessings in the Word, shall position your homes for positive and fulfilled weekly exploits, in Jesus name.

As you go through this peculiar season of the year, your victory over rage of the wicked is guaranteed, in Jesus name.

The main text is Matthew 15:13, it states as follows:

• But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.

I pray for you and your households, every plant in the garden of your lives, that is not of God, shall be uprooted, in Jesus name.

The mystery of evil plantations is a reality of life that should not be ignored, or denied by wise children of God. Many unsuspecting individuals and families who treated this mystery with disdain or levity, became casualties and victims.

Evil plantations shall not thrive in your homes, in Jesus name.

In the earthly ministry of our Lord and Savior, he mentioned specifically, that any plant not planted by the Father, shall be rooted out. The implications of this statement include the following:

• Evil Plantation is a reality

• Evil Plantation is a spiritual weapon of the wicked

• Evil seeds that were cultivated, become evil plantations

• It is dangerous to allow evil plantation thrive unchallenged

• Evil Plantation Must Fall, by uprooting them or by setting them ablaze

• Evil Plantation is able to steal, to kill or to destroy

When the Lord is busy daily planting benefits, that generate comfort, Joy and peace, in the gardens of lives of his children, as indicated in the books below:

• Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

• Psalms 68:19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.

The enemy goes to and fro seeking destinies to destroy, by planting agony, calamity, disappointment, discomfort, emptiness, failure, sickness and tragedies, as stated in the combination of books below:

• 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour

• Matthew 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

Among the wicked propagating evil agenda of the enemy, are the unfriendly friends. Some of our so called best friends and confidants are spiritual agents of darkness.

These are persons who enjoy unrestricted access to the garden of your lives. They are motivated by wickedness and bitter envy, to celebrate your discomfort and anguish secretly, pretending that they love and share your pains. The Lord shall open your eye of understanding, in Jesus name.

I pray for you, every plantation of unfriendly friends in your household, shall catch fire, in Jesus name.

The good news for all those who are under the yokes of evil plantation of unfriendly friends, is that henceforth, the yokes are dismantled by fire, in Jesus name.

Because the evil plantation of unfriendly friends is not of God, it shall be uprooted, in Jesus name.

By these message and Prayers, mid year evil plantations against your household, shall roasted, in Jesus name.

By these Prayers, mid year evil agenda of unfriendly friends, for your household, shall backfire, in Jesus name.

Surely, the rage of mid year calamities, shall swallow their sponsors, in Jesus name. 

To maximize the benefits of these prayers, do the following:

a. Become a sincere child of God

b. Accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ

c. Embrace the Word of God

d. Follow the way of holiness

e. Pray Always !


Psalms 144:1

• Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

Prayer Points:

1. My father, arise in judgement against the rage of unfriendly friends, in the name of Jesus.

2. Plantation of unfriendly friends in the garden of my life and household, catch fire and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.

3. Midyear plantation of the wasters, waste your owners, in Jesus name.

4. Midyear plantation of sorrows, my household is not your candidate, backfire, in the name of Jesus.

5. Plantation of emptiness at midyear, I am not your candidate, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

6. Every unfriendly friend, using my secrets to attack me, you are wicked, collide with the Rock of ages, in the name of Jesus.

7. You the unfriendly friends of my testimonies, be disgraced, in Jesus name.

8. Unfriendly friends of the glory of my household, be disappointed, in Jesus name.

9. Legs of unfriendly friends, walking around against Joy in my household, be amputated, in Jesus name.

10. Thou mighty hand of God, uproot every plantation of unfriendly friends in the garden of my household, in Jesus name.

11. Thou hand of God, arise and plant great blessings in the garden of my household, in Jesus name.

12. O Lord, I thank you for answering my prayers, in Jesus name.

 A Sevenfold Amen!


As you have taken this bold step of faith, so shall it be unto you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

Kindly leave comments, follow and share the blog.

Surely, divine goodness and mercy shall abide with you always, in Jesus name.

Shout Halleluyah!


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